What is this place?

Hi, I'm Diane of Diane Design It.

This site is an extension of my business blog. It's a place where I share my long blogroll. Being an evangelist of blogging and social networking, I hope it helps you find a great blog or a great person to follow!

For more information from Diane Design It, please visit

Apples of Gold in Settings of Silver

Choose your words wisely, listen with an open mind, and make your own decision about what is really important -- this is my loose interpretation of the saying "A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver" from Proverbs (25:11). All these years beyond biblical times, it surely applies to all the information one can publish and gather on the Internet.

I love reading what other writers and bloggers publish on the Internet. In fact, I could qualify as a collector... a blogroll collector! With this much gold and silver, one could become figuratively rich! There is certainly a wealth of information on the internet about my interests and about your interests as well I'm certain.

I've posted here in my "online notebook" a collection of blogs to which I subscribe. Okay, you're wondering, how do I collect a blogroll? Start with a reader. I use Google's reader because I can easily import it to my blog, but there are many... Bloglines is one of the most popular. Once you have established your account, you can subscribe by clicking on any blog or web site with an RSS feed. Look for this symbol:

My Blogging Friends!

Blogs I follow

From Diane Miano/ Diane Design It